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Elven Star
Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis
The Way of Shadows
Brent Weeks
Bloed & Eer (De bloedboeken van Sylvestre Curare, #1)
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The Legend of Sigurd & GudrĂșn
J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien

Bella Italia / druk 1

Bella Italia - Suzanne Vermeer It is an easy to read book with short chapters, which makes it easy to get through it.

Unfortunately it's not one of Suzanne's best works. The story is very simple and predictable and, for me, misses a bit of background and information on the killer's way of thinking.

It's a nice read if your looking for a quick read with a decent story line to pass some time, but if you're looking for a fast-paced detail thriller, this is not for you.